Vces = 1200V Series

Vces = 1200V Series

Model No.︰FF150R12KS4

Brand Name︰Infineon

Country of Origin︰Germany

Unit Price︰-

Minimum Order︰1 pc

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Product Description

                            Infineon KS4 series IGBT module special Hot

On the occasion of the weak economy of the industy,WuHan KeQi Electroniccs Co. contrarian,currently,our great achievements in KS4 series IGBT module sales take,stocking the full range,huge number,the price is very competitive,In particular,occupies a very large share of the high-frequency induction heating industry.Welcome customers to visit,interested parties,please call the sales hotline:027-87267976-8201 or Mobile Phone:13986053885 or QQ:87267976.First list some models,for your reference,thanks!

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